What should I do if it’s difficult to start a semi-trailer in cold weather?

2023/09/20 17:41

As the weather gets colder, many semi-trailers have problems with cold starts, idling shivering after a cold start, poor acceleration after a cold start, etc. Until the temperature of the water in the vehicle rises, all the above signs of failure disappear. This is What's the reason? It's just that there is too much carbon deposit in the internal structure of the engine. Messy fuel quality and crowded road conditions are the reasons why carbon deposits are easily produced.

When excessive carbon deposits cause excessive carbon deposits that hinder the internal structure of the engine that frequently hangs buckets, the fuel ejected from the cold-start oil pump head will be greatly absorbed by the carbon deposits, causing the cold-start mixture to be too thin, making the operation difficult until carbon deposits occur. It is easier to start the car when the drawn fuel is saturated. When the car is driven, the gasoline absorbed on the carbon deposits will be sucked into the cylinder by the engine's vacuum pump and ignited, which will thicken the mixture and make the engine flammable. The mixture is sometimes thin and sometimes thick, causing the engine to tremble after a cold start.

The lower the temperature, the greater the remaining oil necessary for cold start, and the occurrence of carbon deposits will affect the smoothness of cold start. Everywhere in the internal structure of the engine, carbon deposits will have a negative impact on the normal operation of the engine. For example, when there is too much carbon deposit in the engine combustion chamber, the compression ratio of the engine will be increased, resulting in many hot spots, causing early ignition and explosion, shortening the service life of the engine; if there is carbon deposit on the surface of the valve and seat ring, it will As a result, the valve seal is not tight and steam leaks, causing the engine to be difficult to run, running weak, and the valve is easy to burn out and other undesirable symptoms.

The carbon deposits and glue on the valve hose and valve stem will accelerate the damage of the valve stem and valve hose, and may even cause the valve stem to become stiff and stuck in the valve hose, causing problems such as sticking valves; engine piston grooves The volume of carbon will cause the engine piston side clearance and back clearance to shrink, or even have no clearance, causing the piston to lose elasticity and the engine to pull the cylinder; carbon deposits on the fuel injector will cause differences in the fuel supply to the fuel injectors of each cylinder, causing the engine to tremble; When there is too much carbon deposit on the spark plug, it will cause the spark plug to leak and cause the engine to tremble. When there is too much carbon deposit on the valve, it will also cause difficulty in running and trembling at idle.

In order to make the engine work better, you should maintain the car more carefully and clean the carbon deposits everywhere regularly. Only in this way can the car run smoothly when the weather turns cold, saving driver friends from troubles.