What is the cause of semi-trailer driving wheel slip

2023/02/23 17:05

Part of the newly bought semi trailer just on the road when pulling goods, occasionally will appear in the soft road or uphill when the rear wheel of the tractor skid phenomenon, what is this cause? How to solve it effectively?

First of all, the reason why the wheels can run normally, from the principle that the friction force between the wheels and the ground is greater than the traction force on the wheels, so where is the source of friction, no doubt from the normal contact between the tire bearing pressure and the road, the bearing pressure from the vehicle's own weight and the weight of the load of goods.

When the carriage is full of goods or empty car uphill, there will be leverage phenomenon, the rear wheel of the trailer bears the main pressure, the front of the trailer will tilt slightly, there may be a driving wheel slip phenomenon. The reason why there will be a similar skid phenomenon in uphill road conditions is because the tire grip is small, that is, the old driver commonly known as the pressure of the car.

After this problem, you can adjust the position of the goods in the carriage, put the goods as far as possible in front, increase the pressure of the driving wheel, can solve the slipping problem in a short time.

If the vehicle in the same type of model, prone to the same road or similar road skid problem, the measurement found traction pin position is closer to the front, may be caused by traction pin position, if it is the distance between the trailer traction pin to the front of the trailer is too small, that is, the front suspension is too small, may lead to the above tire grip is not enough.

Old drivers know that the impact of the traction pin is in the vehicle processing has been welded, after the factory basically can not be changed, and the value of the front suspension or on the household must be measured according to the announcement of one of the values, then the position of the traction pin must not be moved at will, how to do?

Don't worry, in fact, there is another way, the main car connected with traction pin traction seat in the removal of the fixed bolt is able to move forward and forward, so does not affect the turning radius of the premise, the appropriate adjustment of the main car traction seat, can also solve the problem.

Of course, if the vehicle configuration is high, or often encounter this kind of thing, then only by installing other functional equipment to prevent this situation, that is, the so-called "poor by variation, rich by technology".

ASR systems generally have two modes, engine torque control and transaxle differential control. ASR can make the vehicle more stable in the corner, no sideslip;

The ASR can replace part of the differential lock. When both driving wheels slip at the same time on the road surface with little difference in adhesion coefficient between the left and right wheels, the engine control will be activated.

ASR drive anti-skid system components ASR drive anti-skid system components

On the road surface where the left and right wheel adhesion coefficients differ greatly, the differential braking function of the drive axle will first brake the skid wheel, at this time the engine torque will be redistributed, and the engine torque control function will not start until the two wheels skid at the same time or the skid wheel slip rate exceeds the set range.

More and more models begin to be equipped with electronically controlled air bag suspension. In some cases, the air bag lifting function of ECAS electronically controlled suspension can be used to transfer the load in the shaft to increase the driving force and try to get out of trouble.