What are the dangers of overloading liquid tank semi trailer

2023/01/31 17:06

Vehicle overload brings very serious harm to safe driving and transportation. It not only endangers its own life safety, but also induces a large number of road traffic accidents and brings huge losses to people's personal and property safety. Most road traffic accidents are caused by overloaded vehicles.

As a special vehicle for transporting petroleum derivatives, tanker trucks carry inflammable and explosive goods. May give you the first impression is not overload, after all, the tank is closed, have a fixed volume, that the reality is really so?

In some petrochemical ports, in addition to the standard size of the tanker, there are some vehicles with obvious differences in appearance. The tanks on these cars are very large, and the amount of oil they pull is correspondingly large, but far exceeds the maximum traction mass of the vehicle. Such tankers are very dangerous.

What are the dangers of overloading the tanker?

1, when the vehicle is overloaded, because the mass increases, the braking distance becomes longer, increasing the risk. If the overload is very serious and may exceed the load of the tire, the tire deformation, cause sudden tire burst, deflection, and even rollover accident. If the tank overturned, lost the protection of the electrostatic device, because the collision friction of the oil in the tank caused by electrostatic explosion consequences unimaginable.

3. On the way, the overloaded tanker will bring more than the design load pressure to the road surface, which will greatly shorten the service life of the road damage, and may make the bridge break when passing through the bridge, increasing the maintenance cost.

2, driving overloaded vehicles is illegal behavior, the driver will have a degree of psychological burden, serious error will occur, affect driving safety, cause traffic accidents, cause harm to others.

4, the vehicle will be overloaded after the speed will decrease, can not reach the normal speed. Directly affect the patency of the road.