Transport, loading and unloading requirements for Class 1-9 hazardous chemicals

2022/11/19 10:20

Due to the special properties of the goods in the transportation of dangerous goods, once there is a mistake in the production, transportation, loading and unloading, storage and other links, the consequences will be disastrous.

      Hazardous chemicals are divided into 9 categories, then, what are the requirements for loading and unloading of dangerous goods transport vehicles of categories 1-9?

      1 Requirements for loading and unloading operations

      1. The operation site should be commanded in a unified manner, with clear and fixed command signals to prevent accidents from operating chaos. Loading and unloading personnel and equipment operators at the job site should strictly abide by labor discipline and obey orders. Non-loading and unloading personnel are not allowed to stay on the job site. Aluminum tank truck

      2. For various loading and unloading equipment, specific safety technical operating procedures must be formulated and operated by full-time personnel who have undergone operational training to prevent accidents. edible oil tanker

      3. Before loading, unloading, and handling dangerous goods, the operating procedures and relevant regulations must be strictly implemented, preparations must be made in advance, and the loading, unloading, and handling tools and operating equipment must be carefully inspected. After the work is completed, the substances contaminated on the tools must be removed to prevent chemical reactions caused by conflicting substances. The tools for handling oxidized items must be cleaned before use. Methanol Tanker

      4. When loading and unloading by hand, it should be carried out according to its ability, cooperate and coordinate, and do not risk illegal operation.

      5. Loading and unloading dangerous goods should be handled with care to prevent impact friction, vibration and falling. When depalletizing liquid iron barrels, it is not advisable to use the method of quick release to prevent damage to the packaging. If the damaged packaging can be repaired, it must be moved to a safe place, and then moved after repairing. Tools that may cause sparks must not be used during repairing. Aluminum tank truck

      6. Items scattered on the ground should be cleaned up in time. Wastes that have no value for use should be disposed of with appropriate physical or chemical methods to ensure safety.

      7. Two substances with contradictory properties shall not be loaded and unloaded at the same time. Methanol tank trucks should take heat insulation and moisture-proof measures when loading and unloading materials that are afraid of heat and moisture.

      2 Safety requirements for transport vehicle personnel

      1. Operators are not allowed to wear shoes with nails. According to different hazard characteristics, corresponding protective equipment should be worn respectively. Pay more attention to toxic and corrosive substances. After operating for a period of time, you should breathe fresh air properly to avoid poisoning accidents. After the operation, the protective equipment should be cleaned or disinfected to ensure personal safety. All kinds of protective equipment for edible oil tank trucks should be specially assigned for storage and storage.

      2. After loading and unloading operations, wash your hands, face, mouth, and shower in time. Eating, drinking and smoking are not allowed in the process, and the site must be well ventilated to prevent contamination of the skin and mucous membranes.

      3. Clean water, soda water and dilute acetic acid should be provided at the loading and unloading site for emergency use. If the loading and unloading personnel have dizziness, headache and other poisoning phenomena, first aid should be carried out according to the first aid knowledge, and severe cases should be sent to the hospital for treatment immediately.

      3 Safety matters for loading and unloading of transport vehicles Aluminum tank trucks

      Compressed gas and liquefied gas--gas cylinder transport vehicle

      Steel cylinders for storing compressed gas and liquefied gas are pressure vessels. During loading and unloading operations, lifters or trucks should be used to prevent impact, dragging, falling, and rolling on slopes;

      Before handling, check whether the valve of the cylinder is leaking. Do not point the valve of the cylinder at the person during transportation, and pay attention to prevent the safety cap of the cylinder from falling;

      When loading and unloading toxic gas cylinders, anti-virus equipment should be worn;

      Be careful of air leakage in highly toxic gas cylinders to prevent inhalation of toxic gases;

      When handling oxygen cylinders, work clothes and loading and unloading tools must not be stained with oil;

      Flammable gas is strictly prohibited from contacting fire, and handling operations in hot seasons should be carried out in the morning and evening when it is cool.

      Flammable Liquid Methanol Tanker

      It has a low flash point, fast vaporization, high vapor pressure, and is easy to mix with air to form an explosive mixture. When the concentration in the air reaches a certain range, not only the flame can cause fire or steam explosion, but other things such as sparks, sparks or heating surfaces can cause it to burn or explode.

      Therefore, the following points must be paid attention to during loading and unloading operations:

      Ventilation should be carried out before indoor loading and unloading operations;

      Ferrous metal tools cannot be used during the handling process, and reliable protective measures should be taken when they must be used;

      Loading and unloading tools should be equipped with protective devices to prevent sparks;

      When loading and unloading, it must be handled with care. Methanol tank trucks are strictly prohibited from rolling, rubbing and dragging;

      Summer transportation should be arranged in the morning and evening in the shade, and anti-skid measures should be taken for rainy and snowy days;

      Tank truck transportation must have a ground chain.

      flammable solid

      It has a low ignition point and is sensitive to heat, impact, and friction. It is easy to be ignited by an external fire source, and it burns quickly and may emit toxic gases. In addition to handling in accordance with the requirements of flammable liquids during loading and unloading, its operators are prohibited from wearing shoes with iron nails, and cannot carry them together with oxidants and acids.

      The powder scattered on the ground and in the compartment during transportation should be wiped clean immediately. When shipping, it should be tied firmly so that it does not shake.

      Substances that burn in contact with water

      When these items interact with each other, a violent chemical reaction occurs, releasing a large amount of toxic gas and heat. Due to the abnormally rapid reaction, the gas and heat released during the reaction are more, and the released flammable gas can quickly reach the surrounding air. Explosive limit, once it encounters an open flame or due to spontaneous combustion, it will cause an explosion, so the following points should be done during handling and loading and unloading operations:

      Pay attention to waterproof and moisture-proof for aluminum tank trucks, and no rain-proof facilities are allowed to operate in rainy and snowy days;

      If there is sweat, it should be wiped off in time, and it must not be in direct contact with water-burning substances;

      During loading and unloading, it is not allowed to roll, hit, rub, or dump, and must be handled with care;

      Pre-deflate the calcium carbide barrel before moving, so that the acetylene gas in the barrel is exhausted, and then move;

      Two people are required to carry it, and it is strictly forbidden to roll the barrel, replay, hit, and rub to prevent sparks;

      Workers must stand on the side of the barrel to avoid personal rush to the surface or bottom of the calcium carbide barrel to prevent injury from explosions; it must not be mixed with other types of hazardous chemicals.

      oxidizing agent

      In addition to paying attention to the above regulations during shipment, it should be shipped separately, and should not be mixed with acids, organic substances, and items that are spontaneously combustible, flammable, or wet and flammable. In general, oxidants must not be combined with peroxides. Aluminum tank truck

      Toxic and corrosive items

      Especially highly toxic substances, if a small amount enters the human body or touches the skin, it can cause local irritation or poisoning. Corrosive items are highly corrosive, and can cause damage to the human body, animals, plants, fiber products, metals, etc., and even cause combustion.