These safety matters must be paid attention to in the transport of dangerous goods

2023/04/19 15:31

Dangerous goods transport semi-trailer is usually corrosive, natural, inflammable, toxic, explosive and other properties of dangerous goods, dangerous goods have special physical and chemical properties, such as improper protection in transport, easy to occur accidents, so must be careful!

01/ The route of road transport of explosive dangerous goods shall be submitted to the local public security department for approval in advance. In principle, try to bypass cities, towns and places with more residents and drive on roads with less traffic to avoid heavy casualties in case of an accident.

02/ During night transportation, there shall be a red signal before and after the vehicle. The vehicle is not allowed to carry a trailer. The escort must arrive at the destination with the vehicle, and no other irrelevant personnel may take it. No smoking on the car, through the tunnel, culvert, overpass, pay attention to the elevation, speed limit driving.

03/ Liquefied gas tanker and gasoline tanker are not allowed to carry other inflammable and explosive dangerous goods. When the liquid temperature in the tank reaches 40℃, safety measures shall be taken such as shading and pouring cold water outside the tank to cool down. For flammable liquids and gases with low boiling point and inflammable and explosive dangerous goods sensitive to heat, it is appropriate to choose night transportation in the hot summer season to avoid sunlight exposure.

04/ Vehicles transporting dangerous goods should have a choice of weather Generally, the transport of dangerous goods is prohibited on rainy, snowy, foggy, thunderstorm, windy and sandy days, hot and dry days. Dangerous goods afraid of freezing should not be transported in the cold current (except those with warm measures).

05/ Vehicles transporting dangerous goods shall not exceed 15km per hour and be at least 30m away from other motor vehicles when they pass through intersections and crowded places, or when the visual distance is within 30m in strong wind, fog, heavy rain and heavy snow, or when there are warning signs.

06/ Under normal circumstances, dangerous goods transport vehicles are not allowed to overtake, chase or rush vehicles. Emergency braking is not allowed except in special circumstances to avoid excessive inertial impact of explosives. When driving on uneven roads, where the line of sight is not good, and where there are many people, corresponding deceleration measures shall be taken.

07/ When a large number of gas tanker leakage and fire, in the absence of reliable leakage measures, do not put out the fire, should immediately alarm at the same time, the vehicle to not endanger the surrounding safety of the place, and try to control the spread of the fire and strengthen the cooling of the tank cooling, waiting for professional fire personnel arrived to take effective measures.

08/ If thunderstorms occur on the way, park in a wide area away from forests and tall buildings to prevent lightning strikes. If the animal cart is used, care should be taken to prevent livestock from being frightened and resulting in accidents.

09/ The parking place of dangerous goods transport vehicles shall be well ventilated and there shall not be any open flame or building within 10m. Vehicles transporting explosive materials shall keep a certain safe distance from other vehicles, important buildings of high-tension lines and places where people gather, and shall be guarded by escorts.