Semi trailer emergency rescue method for cement transport of granular materials

2023/01/18 14:44

Powder material transport truck cement mixing truck emergency rescue method one:

When it was determined that there was something wrong with the hydraulic motor. The following two methods can also be used for processing:

1. If there are spare parts for the hydraulic motor on hand, the hydraulic motor can be replaced urgently to restore the work of the cement mixing truck. Generally large mixing station or mixing fleet will be prepared with some commonly used spare parts for emergency use.

2. Open the maintenance hole of the mixing tank, loosen the high-pressure pipe joint, and discharge the condensate in the tank with the maintenance hole facing down. Pay attention to clean up the discharged concrete to protect the environment. Pay attention to safe operation and personal safety.

Cement mixing truck emergency rescue law two:

Cement mixing truck suddenly occurs in the process of working mixing tank does not turn, if the engine or hydraulic pump is judged to have a problem, you can take the following two methods:

1. First, an emergency vehicle should arrive and park alongside the damaged vehicle. Prepare two rescue high-pressure pipe joints and return oil lines. Turn off the engine of the damaged car, remove the original high pressure pipe from the motor, and connect the high pressure pipe for rescue. Put the handling handle of the rescue vehicle in a neutral position and turn off the rescue vehicle. Attach the other end of the rescue tube to the rescue vehicle. Start the engine of the rescue vehicle and unload the concrete from the broken car. Pay attention to clean up the discharged concrete to protect the environment.