Semi-trailer engine maintenance content

2023/09/14 17:32

How should semi-trailer engines be maintained and maintained?

Whether it is an aluminum semi-trailer or a barn-type semi-trailer, the engine plays a dominant role in the parts position of any large and medium-sized truck and semi-trailer. So how do ordinary drivers maintain and maintain the semi-trailer engine? Woolen cloth?

Generally, when a semi-trailer is driving, it will encounter the following types of problems:

1. Frequent starting and stopping may cause rapid engine damage;

When driving in the city, you will inevitably encounter traffic jams. It is inevitable to walk slowly. Sometimes it is fast and sometimes slow, and it is inevitable to go straight. Generally speaking, after 2-3 years of driving in the city, new cars will gradually develop symptoms such as insufficient driving force, reduced control sensitivity, and increased noise. Semi-trailer manufacturers say that this problem is related to engine damage caused by frequent starts and stops of the vehicle. Therefore, major repairs are often carried out, which costs a lot of money and time. However, few people know that when the car is frequently started and stopped, the gasoline is not burned enough, which can easily produce a large amount of carbon deposits, accelerate the oxidation of the oil, cause the lubricant to become ineffective, and lose the lubricating oil protective properties that it should have. .

2. Gasoline and diesel are also important factors affecting the service life of the engine;

The choice of gasoline and diesel must meet the requirements of the vehicle. It is strictly forbidden to use low-grade gasoline or diesel. Otherwise, it will cause knocking when the engine is running, causing severe impact to the parts and increasing the load on the parts, thereby speeding up the parts. of damage. The sustained high temperature, high pressure and shock waves caused by detonation will also destroy the oil film on the inner wall of the cylinder and deteriorate the lubrication of the parts. Experiments show that an engine was operated for 200 hours with and without knocking. The average wear rate of the upper end of the cylinder with knocking was measured to be more than twice that of without knocking. In addition, gasoline and diesel containing excessive residues will also accelerate the damage and corrosion of machine parts.