Semi-trailer manufacturers teach you the driving posture when driving a semi-trailer

2023/09/11 17:39

The driving posture of semi-trailers has always been an issue that everyone is more concerned about. Many friends often send private messages to the editor. So today, the editor of the semi-trailer manufacturer will introduce it to you, hoping to help you.

First, let me introduce the dimensions of the semi-trailer.

1. Low-bed semi-trailers include gooseneck-type low-bed semi-trailers and special low-bed semi-trailers, with specifications of 9.5 meters, 10.5 meters, 11 meters, 11.5 meters, 12 meters, 12.5 meters, 13 meters, 13.75 meters, 14 meters Meters, 15 meters, 16 meters, ultra-low version tablet semi-trailers, with a total width of 2.8 meters to 3 meters.

2. Box-type semi-trailers are 11 meters, 12 meters, 13 meters, and 14.6 meters. Warehouse type semi-trailers are available in specifications of 9.5 meters, 10.5 meters, 11 meters, 11.5 meters, 12.5 meters, 12 meters and 13 meters.

3. Container-type semi-trailers include platform-type shipping container semi-trailers and frame-type shipping container semi-trailers. Container shipping semi-trailers are 7.3 meters, 8.5 meters, 9.2 meters, 9.6 meters, 12 meters, 12.5 meters, 13.5 meters, and 13.9 meters. .

Friends who have learned to drive must know that when you enter a driving school to learn how to drive, the instructor will tell you what the correct driving posture is. For semi-trailers, it is important to maintain a correct and comfortable driving posture. An unreasonable chair position will seriously affect the driver's use and sight. The dump truck semi-trailer manufacturer below explains to us what to do before driving a semi-trailer safely to ensure a proper and reliable driving posture.

After entering the cab, the first step is to adjust the seat height. Because drivers are different in stature, the height of the seat will affect the driver's line of sight. Adjust the effective height to ensure that the line of sight is not blocked and clear. You can see everything outside the car window.

After the height adjustment is effective, adjust the front, rear, left and right of the seat. In terms of posture, you should lean as far back as possible to ensure stability. Lean your back against the chair and place your hands on both sides of the steering wheel horizontally to ensure that the distance can be naturally touched. Touch and maintain a slight bend in your arms. In addition, make sure that both feet can step on the footboard to the end and keep the feet bent. If this cannot be guaranteed, pull the seat forward as much as possible. If the knee joint is pressed against the steering column, adjust it properly afterwards, otherwise The sensitivity of safe driving posture will also be affected when encountering emergency situations.