Reasons why low-bed semi-trailers move in diagonal directions

2023/09/09 17:21

The low-bed semi-trailer has no baffle in its vehicle-mounted position and has a wide range of uses. It is mainly used for medium and long-distance truck transportation. The window frame of the large truck in this series of products has a through-beam structure, and the side beams adopt a vertical gooseneck type. The relative height of the beam end ranges from 400mm to 550mm. The side beams are welded by automatic arc welding. The window frames are shot peened. The load-bearing beams penetrate the cross beams and are welded as a whole. It is composed of a series dry torsion spring and a suspension rubber bearing, with a reasonable structure, strong stiffness and compressive strength, and is used to support the load and cushion shock.

What's the matter with the low-bed semi-trailer moving diagonally? The low-bed semi-trailer is one of the more commonly used large trucks. It is widely used and has excellent functions. However, there are many issues that must be paid attention to when driving a low-bed semi-trailer. The following is the introduction of the low-bed semi-trailer. What is the reason for the oblique orientation?

1. The root cause of the vehicle tilting is that the distance between the center of the traction belt pin and the corresponding points on both sides of the trailer axle is different (the three points are not in an isosceles triangle). If there is a deviation, it may cause abnormal damage to the tire (zigzag formation). situation).

2. Inspection and adjustment method

1) Stop the car on level ground without using the brake pedal.

2) Take a point on the outer surface of the inner rim of the front axle, take a point on each side of the upper and lower sides, and make the location symmetrical.

3) Using the center of the traction belt pin as the standard, accurately measure the distance to the above two points, specifying 3mm between L1-L2i. If there is a deviation, adjust the front axle live tie rod until the deviation specification is reached.

4) Before measuring, check the corresponding points of the rear axle rim to determine the calibration value, which is 2mm of the old 181-821. If there is a deviation, adjust the rear axle movable tie rod to make the front and rear axles parallel until the deviation meets the requirements.

5) Tighten the anchor bolts on the front and rear movable tie rods.

6) After adjustment, drive for about one kilometer and stop without the brake pedal. Check the above specifications. If there is no change, the adjustment is successful.

7) The adjustment process should be performed with the tie rod in a running state, that is, as soon as the tie rod is rotated, the rolling bearings move, and the tie rod adjustment function is normal.

The leakage of the brake pedal of a low-bed semi-trailer may be quite obvious. In order to prevent my body from being harmed, the leakage of the brake pedal of a low-bed semi-trailer needs to be determined based on the leakage of the pipeline and the damage of the joint. Only by solving these two problems of air leakage can we get better repair results. I hope you can have a certain understanding. In order to ensure the safety of the driver, everyone must do a good job in the daily inspection of the low-bed semi-trailer.