Pay attention to cleaning the tires of low-bed semi-trailers

2023/08/31 18:04

The tire of the low-bed semi-trailer is one of the very important parts on the semi-trailer, which directly affects the driving safety and stability of the semi-trailer. Therefore, the maintenance and repair of tires on low-bed semi-trailers is also particularly important. One of the most important aspects of maintenance is tire cleaning.

How much is a low-bed semi-trailer?

1. The importance of cleaning the tires of low-bed semi-trailers

The tires of low-bed semi-trailers tend to adhere to a large amount of foreign matter such as mud and stones during driving. These foreign matters will not only increase the weight of the tire, thereby increasing the driving resistance, but also make the surface of the tire rough. Thereby increasing the wear of the tread, and it is easy to wear the pattern and the tread of the tire, resulting in a shortened life of the tire. In addition, if there are too many foreign objects on the tire surface and are not cleaned up in time, the tires are prone to danger during driving, such as bouncing, skidding and other problems, thereby reducing driving safety.

2. Tire cleaning method of low-bed semi-trailer

1. Preparation before tire cleaning

Before cleaning tires, a series of preparatory work needs to be carried out to ensure the effectiveness of cleaning and the safety of the cleaners. As follows:

(1) The low-bed semi-trailer needs to be parked stably, the engine should be turned off, and the hand brake should be suspended to avoid the vehicle from moving.

(2) Wear wear-resistant and non-slip shoes to ensure the safety of the cleaners.

(3) Prepare tools for cleaning the tire surface, such as water pipes, brushes, detergents, etc.

2. Clean the tire surface

When cleaning the tire surface, you need to pay attention to the following points:

(1) Before cleaning the tires, remove large foreign matter on the tire surface, such as small stones.

(2) Use a cleaning agent to help the cleaning work. You can mix the cleaning agent with water, spray the mixture evenly on the tire surface, and then use a brush to clean the tire surface, thereby thoroughly cleaning the tire surface.

3. Clean the side of the tire

The side of the tire also needs to be cleaned, because the side of the tire tends to accumulate a lot of foreign matter such as mud and stones during driving, including the dust that looks good during driving.

When cleaning the side of the tire, you can use a mop dipped in detergent, and then slide the mop along the side of the tire. It is also an effective method to clean the side with a brush and detergent.

Low-bed semi-trailer

4. Clean the inside of the tire

The inner side of the tire also needs to be cleaned. When driving, a large amount of cold color will accumulate on the inner side of the tire, resulting in partial imbalance of the tire or the danger of the tire being out of balance. At this point, we can remove the wheel and use our own hands or a brush to clean the inside, which is a safer and more effective way to clean it all up.

5. Clean the front and rear wheels

When the vehicle is running, the rear wheels are more likely to be polluted than the front wheels, because the rear wheels carry the entire weight of the vehicle, so they are more likely to absorb foreign objects such as dirt and gravel. When cleaning, it is necessary to perform different operations according to the conditions of the rear wheels and front wheels. Generally speaking, the size and direction of the tires can be reasonably planned according to the strength and direction of the presser. When cleaning, care should be taken to keep most of the water droplets adsorbed on the surface of the tires, and corresponding measures should be taken to protect the axles.

6. Regular maintenance of tire cleaning

Tire cleaning is a long-term job and cannot be done at one time. Therefore, it is necessary to formulate a regular maintenance plan. It is generally recommended to clean the tires at intervals of about 6 months.

Although regular tire cleaning is very important, excessive cleaning is also incorrect. Frequent tire washing may affect the composition of the tire material, further jeopardizing the life of the tire, therefore, corresponding precautions are required.

3. Summary

Cleaning the tires of low-bed semi-trailers is a very important maintenance work, which has a great impact on the driving safety of the vehicle and the service life of the tires. During the cleaning process, meticulous operations are required to ensure the cleaning effect. At the same time, it is also necessary to formulate a regular maintenance plan to clean and maintain the tires regularly. Only in this way can the cleanliness and service life of the tires be effectively guaranteed, and the driving safety of the vehicle can be guaranteed.