Notes on the use of semi-trailer for transporting powder and particle materials

2023/01/13 15:51

1. Before loading, confirm that there is no caking phenomenon and other sundries in the materials to be loaded. Sundries and sundries shall not be allowed to enter the tank. Filter with a strainer if available.

2. Before closing the lid, the sealing ring, the lid, the moving mechanism and the accumulation material on the operating platform should be cleaned up.

3. When closing the tank cover, it is strictly prohibited to use the afterburner such as the sleeve, and it is strictly prohibited to push off with feet, otherwise it may cause damage to the human body and the tank cover.

4. People who are afraid of heights or have other medical conditions or physical conditions are forbidden to operate on or off the platform.

5. Pay attention to safety when climbing up and down the ladder and walking on the upper platform. According to relevant national regulations, please wear safety belts and safety helmets and other protective equipment to prevent personal injury caused by slipping and falling.

6. The lid can be opened only after confirming that there is no pressure in the tank. It is strictly prohibited to open the lid when there is compressed gas in the tank.

7, if down to the tank operation, be sure to park the car, pull the overhand brake, and take the key to the car, at the same time outside the tank to guard against automatic closing of the tank lid and vehicle start.

8. The speed of the air compressor should be controlled within the rated speed of 950 ~ 1000r/min, and the growth or deceleration must be slow, otherwise it is easy to damage the air compressor.

9. Do not stop the air compressor before the internal pressure is completely eliminated, otherwise it is easy to damage the air compressor cylinder, causing damage to the air compressor.

10, the vehicle to start smoothly, do not start suddenly. Do not brake and accelerate sharply without emergency during driving.

11, every day after the car, the residual water and oil in the air reservoir should be released with the compressed air, so as to avoid the brake pipeline water, rust and grease blockage, so that the brake failure.

12, please use pressure relief valve pressure relief, not through the secondary air supply valve and external air source ball valve pressure relief, easy to cause the sinking of the fluidized bed and other damage, otherwise the consequences.

13. Bulk materials shall not be stored in the tank for too long, and the water content shall not be too high.

14. Please make sure that the material cover, butterfly valve, secondary air supply valve and exhaust valve are closed when pumping.

15. When the air pressure rises to 0.2MPa, the butterfly valve can be opened for discharging.

16. Note that the secondary air supply valve should be opened first, and then the discharge butterfly valve should be opened.

17, in the unloading process, the check valve will issue a "ding Dang" metal knocking sound, this is a normal phenomenon.

18, before use, please read the instructions of each part in detail, use and maintain according to the requirements.

19, often check the connection of the connecting parts, timely fastening.

20. In the process of unloading, attention must be paid to the discharge barometer at all times. The pressure shall not exceed the specified pressure value. Safety valve work must be sensitive and reliable.

21. After unloading, the manhole cover and discharge disc valve must be closed, and there shall be no compressed air in the tank during transportation.

22. In the process of unloading, if the pressure rises beyond the specified value, the safety valve begins to work. In this case, the secondary air supply valve should be opened repeatedly to dredge the pipeline and reduce the pressure. If the pressure is kept at the set pressure of the safety valve, it should be stopped immediately for inspection.

23, in the process of unloading can not be stopped at will, otherwise easy to cause the transmission pipeline blockage.

24. If the clutch pedal is released immediately after opening the control switch of the force extractor, it is easy to cause the force extractor to engage not in place and damage the equipment.

25. If the intake valve starts the air compressor when it is closed, the pipeline pressure will be too high, and the pipeline, air compressor, automobile gear box, force extracter will be damaged. The high pressure gas and parts may also fly out and hurt people in unexpected circumstances.

Matters needing attention

1. When driving the bulk cement truck, do not speed and overpressure, which will seriously damage the air compressor.

2. Do not start or stop the air compressor quickly, but should grow slowly or slow down, otherwise, the impact pressure will damage the air compressor.

3. Do not change the rotation direction of the air compressor, otherwise, the oil pump will seriously damage the machine if it does not supply oil.

4, do not stop the air compressor before decompression, otherwise, powder material may flow back into the cylinder, causing serious damage to the air compressor.

5. Check the oil mark before starting. The oil level shall not be lower than the lower limit of the oil mark; It is necessary to often check whether the oil pump is supplied. If it is not supplied, it should be stopped immediately for inspection. Otherwise, the lack of oil will seriously damage the air compressor.

6, to replace the lubricating oil on schedule. 30 hours after the new machine is used, drain the oil in the crankcase, clean the inside of the crankcase and the oil filter net, and then change the oil. Change the oil once a year as above.

7, to check and clean the oil filter net. Normally, check and clean once every quarter. If the machine is used frequently, check and clean once a month.

8. It is prohibited to mix different brands of lubricating oil, otherwise the deterioration of lubricating oil will affect the lubrication effect.

9, every 30 hours to maintain, clean air filter element. While rotating the filter element, compressed air with pressure less than 0.6MPa is blown from inside to outside. After maintenance for five times, please replace the new filter element. Do not use oil or water to clean the filter element.