How should the inner tube of oil tank semi trailer burst and leak

2023/03/08 15:51

When the oil tank semi-trailer is driving on the way, the inner tube breaks and leaks, the inner tube can be repaired by itself. The methods are as follows:

1. With the current car fire repair hot repair, with a wood file (or sandpaper, hacksaw bar) leakage indicates that the file rough (file rough area is slightly larger than the fire repair), the film off the surface of the fire repair glue, placed in the need to repair the file rough surface close, in the fire repair clamp iron box and inner tube, (if there is no fire repair clamp, available jack and adjustable wrench instead: Find a flat iron plate and put it under the bumper of the tank car. Place it in the order of the inner tube, the iron box cover, the adjustable wrench and the jack, and then press the jack lever to tighten it. Check whether the fire repair glue is stuck correctly. Light the paper inside the box and loosen the fixture after 15 minutes.

2. Cold repair with glue, with wood rubbing the inner tube leakage file rough, file rough area is larger than the wound area 2-3 times, circular or oval then take a piece of old inner tube rubber, cut it into the same shape as the rough surface and the peripheral small 2-3mm patch, and the surface file rough to reveal the new crop, the other side of the knife cut into a bevel, In order to keep the repair smooth after bonding, the cold repair glue (according to the mass ratio of raw rubber and benzene 1:1.5, and add the mass fraction of 10% rosin) is evenly coated on the damaged area and the rough surface of the patch file, until the benzene in the cold repair glue volatilized, the patch is aimed at the center of the damaged area and fit, pressing for more than 10 minutes.

Causes of brake failure:

First, it is due to improper operation leading to mechanical failure, such as a long time downhill will make brake pad friction heat, brake hub carbonization, brake function completely failure.

Two, is due to serious overload, under the action of gravity acceleration, increase the inertia of vehicle motion, directly lead to brake failure.

Three, the lack of necessary maintenance of the brake system, too many impurities in the brake pump, seal is lax, vacuum booster pump failure, brake oil is too dirty or several brake oil mixed with heat after the occurrence of air resistance, brake pump or pump oil leakage, air storage tank or pipeline interface leakage.

What to do:

First, the use of car bumper, car and other rigid parts with the roadside natural obstacles (rocks, trees or soil slope) friction, collision, to achieve the purpose of forced parking escape, as far as possible to reduce accident losses.

Two, the vehicle in the long slope, steep slope regardless of whether there is a situation should step on the brake. It can test the braking performance, and it can also win the time to control the speed when the brake fails, which is also called predictive braking.

Three, when the brake failure occurs on the slope, it should be timely reduced into the low and middle gear, and keep enough power to drive up the top of the slope and stop. If you need to stop halfway up the slope, you should keep the forward low gear, tighten the hand brake, and the vehicle personnel should jam the wheel with stones, pads and other things in time. In case of backsliding, the rear of the vehicle should face the hill or the safe side, and turn on headlights and emergency lights to attract the attention of the front and rear vehicles.

Four, downhill brake failure, can not use the sprinkler itself to control the speed of the mechanism, the driver should decisively use natural obstacles, such as roadside rocks, trees, cause resistance to the sprinkler. If you can't find the right terrain, objects can be used, emergency can be the side of the body to the side of the mountain, friction to increase resistance, gradually reduce the speed.

Five, according to the road conditions and speed control direction, take off the high-speed gear, at the same time, quickly blast a foot empty oil, the high-speed gear into the low speed gear. In this way, the engine will have a lot of traction resistance to speed down. In addition, at the same time in the change of low speed, should be combined with the use of the handbrake, but pay attention to the handbrake can not be pulled tight, can not pull too slow. If pulled too tight, easy to make the brake disc "hug", it is likely to damage the transmission parts and lose the braking ability; If it is pulled too slowly, the brake disc will be worn and ablated and the braking function will be lost.