How to maintain the tank of chemical liquid transport semi trailer

2023/02/28 14:56

Chemical liquid transport semitrailer we also call it chemical truck, chemical liquid car, chemical liquid tank car, etc. Tank materials can be selected according to the needs of stainless steel, rubber lining, plastic, glass steel, plastic cans, aluminum cans, carbon steel and other materials, can choose centrifugal pump, gear pump, copper core gear pump, stainless steel pump, single count, double count back to zero flow meter, food oil computer measuring device, heating pipe, insulation layer. Chemical liquid transport vehicles are widely used in food processing, petrochemical sector of all kinds of oil, chemical liquid transportation, shipping liquid food (milk, edible oil), yellow phosphorus, asphalt, hydrochloric acid, caustic soda, coal tar, concentrated sulfuric acid, alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, toluene, glacial acetic acid, hydrofluoric acid, nitric acid, etc. Because of the particularity of the transport medium, the tank body carries more, and the maintenance of the tank body is very crucial.

First, the chemical liquid transport vehicle tank in use and cleaning is the need to pay great attention and care, in the first use, to wash the chemical car tank with flowing tap water, but also familiar with the tank valve and operation method, in each use of the chemical car, to check the car can gasket and valve these easily damaged objects, Do not attempt to disassemble and change the parts of chemical liquid car at will. Chemical truck in transit to close the liquid outlet valve and breathing valve, the built-in cut off valve, feeding port should also be closed, if equipped with quick change joint, the liquid outlet plug should be tightened, ensure that there is no splashing appearance during the transport.

Two, in the chemical liquid transport vehicle use process, should try to avoid the corrosive chemical liquid sticking to the chemical transport vehicle body or tank, if sticking, should be washed in time with water, at any time to keep the chemical vehicle tank and body clean, the rust spot in time with sandpaper after spraying anticorrosive paint, in order to prolong the service life of the chemical tank.

Three, the vehicle driving as far as possible to walk on a smooth road, to avoid excessive collision. Chemical transport vehicles need to be made according to national requirements, avoid overload, etc. ABS and other positioning systems should be installed as required.

Four, often check the tank for leakage. Due to the long-term transport of corrosive media, the tank needs to be cleaned frequently. Some tanks are used to transport a variety of media, do not change the media before the tank must be cleaned, scrub clean. Transport medium impurities can not be too much, long-term impurity precipitation will affect the tank inside the plastic wall.

Five, in the chemical truck liquid raw materials unloading, must open the tank mouth and breathing valve at the top of the chemical truck tank, otherwise the tank mouth in the closed state, the chemical pump in the suction operation to evacuate the air inside the tank, so that the formation of a vacuum, at this time the internal and external pressure imbalance, easy to produce tank deformation and even scrap, wave plate by extrusion dislocation.

6. Since the long-term transport is dangerous goods, the driver should have professional qualification and good accomplishment. In particular, we should remember that your chemical liquid car transport tank should be regularly inspected by the local technical supervision and quality inspection department, to ensure the safety performance of your chemical liquid car. The above is the chemical liquid transport tank maintenance skills.