How to maintain tank semi trailer daily

2023/04/24 17:01

As a member of the dangerous goods transport vehicle, how much do you know about its maintenance? No matter what car needs maintenance, but maintenance will also exist misunderstanding, tank car maintenance misunderstanding do you know?

How to maintain tank semi-trailer

(1) First of all, we should understand and master the main structure of the tank car, the performance of the tank car manufacturer and the function of the tank car. The chassis of the special vehicle must be protected or repaired at the service station of the special vehicle according to the requirements;

(2) An oil tanker is usually composed of four parts: special vehicle chassis, oil tank body, pipe network system and force taking device;

(3) The drivers of the tanker should do a good job of the routine maintenance of the tanker, to do a good job of the inspection, cleaning, fastening and adding function before the vehicle, during the driving and after the vehicle is collected, timely find the problems or safety risks left by the tanker, and timely find the problems and timely deal with them;

(4) Check whether the oil tank body, pipe network and valves are leaking oil or oil, whether the top cover of the dangerous goods tank truck manufacturer is covered according to the requirements, the amount of lubricating oil, fuel oil, cooling water, hand and foot braking, steering device, instrument, light, tire pressure, tire nut, etc.

(5) Problems that should be paid attention to by the driver friends of the tank car manufacturers in the running process:

(1) Check the working condition of each instrument in the running of the tank car;

(2) Check whether the steering system works normally when the tanker is running;

(3) The hand and foot braking of the tank car is abnormal when it is running;

(4) The tank car manufacturer inspects the abnormal sound and odor of the engine, chassis and tank body during running;

⑤ Make use of the parking time to check the following work of the tank truck: check whether the front and rear wheel brake drum is overheating, check the tire and nut fastening, remove the inclusions in the tire pattern, check whether there is oil leakage, water leakage, air leakage, check the leaf spring, whether the drive shaft bolt is loose, and check the appearance of the tank body and the tank pipe network system of the dangerous goods tank truck manufacturers;

(6) The tank truck regularly goes to the special vehicle service station to do chassis breakdown maintenance and maintenance work.

Tank car maintenance error

Mistake 1: Always put too much pressure on the tire. Many drivers like to adjust the tire pressure is very high, think this can save fuel, but also overload, in fact, you do not know, tire pressure is too high will make the tire ground area is reduced, tread wear is serious, will reduce the braking effect of braking, there is no doubt that it will affect driving safety; But too low tire pressure is not good, too low tire pressure will accelerate tire shoulder wear, but also increase the fuel consumption of the vehicle, will also affect traffic safety and vehicle braking effect.

Myth 2: Always dangerous goods tank truck manufacturers add the engine oil is very full, many drivers always worry about the engine oil is not enough, always add it full, but many people do not know that too much oil will increase the rotation resistance of the crank connecting rod mechanism, but also make the amount of oil splashing on the cylinder wall increase, too much oil will also lead to the increase of carbon in the combustion chamber, Engine power is reduced, which affects emissions. In fact, the amount of oil can not be too large, but also can not be too little, under normal circumstances to add according to the scale on the oil scale, oil level can not exceed the maximum limit of the scale scale, the minimum can not be lower than the lower limit of the scale, it is best that the oil level in the middle of the scale on the position.

Misunderstanding three: the various bolts of the vehicle are fixed too tightly. In general, the bolts of various parts of the tank car have corresponding provisions on the tightening torque according to their different diameters, pitch and uses. The torque bolts that cannot reach the provisions will loosen, and the torque bolts that exceed the tightening will be stretched. We should know the tightening torque of the bolt when tightening the bolt.

Mistake four: Always think that the attachment of the belt is better than loose, many tank car owners think that improve the tightness of the attachment belt, can improve the refrigeration effect of the compressor, as well as the power generation of the generator, in fact, this approach is wrong. The accessory belt should be kept properly tightened, because the belt is too tight, the bearing load will be too large, the service life of the parts will be shortened, and the belt will be broken, which will eventually affect the normal use of the vehicle.