How to drive a semi-trailer when fog or rain occurs?

2022/11/22 10:15

Correct use of lights Before leaving the semi-trailer in foggy weather, remember to thoroughly check the lighting installation of your car, and abide by the rules of lighting use when driving: turn on the fog lights, tail lights, width indicators and low beam lights, and make full use of the lights to improve visibility and see clearly. Vehicle and pedestrian dynamics. A special reminder is that do not use the high beam when driving in foggy weather. This is because the optical axis of the high beam is on the upper side, and the emitted light is diffusely reflected by the fog, which will form a vast expanse of whiteness in front of the car, and you will not be able to see anything when driving. .

Clean vision When encountering heavy fog, the water vapor condensed on the windshield will damage the driver's vision, and will also make the lights from the oncoming vehicle appear particularly dazzling. Therefore, it is necessary to use wipers to remove water vapor frequently during driving to improve vision. clarity.

Frequent use of the horn If the vision is poor in foggy days, frequent honking of the horn can help you warn pedestrians and semi-trailers. When you hear the horns of other vehicles, you should immediately respond by honking to indicate the location of your own vehicle.

Other Tips: Be extra careful when driving in foggy weather. When meeting a car, honk the horn to remind the oncoming vehicle to pay attention. At the same time, you should turn off the anti-fog lights to avoid dazzling the other party. If the other party’s speed is fast, you should actively slow down and give way, and pull over if necessary; When there is an obstacle on the side of the road ahead, you will pass the car, and you must leave an amount in advance and a safe distance.

semi trailer

Many people have to drive low-bed semi-trailers in rainy days and at night due to work reasons, so what should we pay attention to to prevent accidents?

Pay attention to safety when driving a low-bed semi-trailer on rainy nights. Rainy days are also a period of high incidence of accidents. You must also pay attention to skills when driving a super-heavy semi-trailer on heavy rainy days. The water mist rolled up by the wheels of the semi-trailer will be very large. Follow it The back or side will make your front windshield blurry, so when overtaking, in addition to the horn and flashing lights, the wiper should also be in a continuous working state. It is best to increase it by one or two gears under normal conditions. .

Vehicle driving preparations:

1. Check the semi-trailer engine compartment oil, antifreeze, brake fluid, booster pump oil, oil pipe, bolt torque, etc.;

2. Check the tire pressure of the semi-trailer. When the tire pattern is shallow, the adhesion performance will decrease during driving, and replace the tire if necessary;

3. Focus on checking the steering system, oil pipes, bolt torque, etc. of the chassis;

4. Use designated special glass cleaning fluid, and it is strictly forbidden to use water as glass cleaning fluid. Because the special glass liquid is added with ingredients that dissolve oil stains and improve the glass wetting interface, its freezing point is also far below zero degrees Celsius.

Sliding on ice and snow roads is not allowed, and predictive braking measures must be taken. Try to use the drag effect of the engine to slow down and pay special attention to night driving. Semi-trailers are often in poor condition due to poor maintenance, uneven lights or black smoke. things. Therefore, the tail lights of semi-trailers driving at high speed at night are very small, and even the tail lights cannot be seen. Coupled with the billowing black smoke from the exhaust gas, it will seriously affect the vision. It is easy to give people the illusion of fog. Therefore, when driving at night, it is best to choose to drive on the overtaking lane.

In addition, you must slow down when entering and exiting the tunnel, especially when following a heavy-duty semi-trailer. Due to the strong light outside the cave, the moment one enters the tunnel, one's eyes will undergo a short-term dark adaptation, and one can hardly see anything; while when one exits the tunnel, one's eyes will become dizzy when one sees the sun because one is used to the darkness. There will also be a short period of bright adaptation, and you can't see things clearly. Therefore, if some trailers are parked or repaired near the entrance, or the trailer driver has a light-dark adaptation, the semi-trailer is out of control. If the speed is too fast or too close, there will inevitably be danger.

Special reminder: If you encounter sudden thick smoke while driving a low-bed semi-trailer, you should slow down immediately to prevent the risk of rear-end collision.