How does a semi-trailer prevent a flat tire

2023/05/12 10:42

Don't drive over the speed limit

When the car runs at a high speed for a long time, the intense friction between the tire and the ground will produce a lot of heat, and the heat accumulation to a certain extent will lead to the high temperature of the tire itself; Will eventually make the tire pressure exceeds the load strength and burst;

Do not overload

When the load of the vehicle exceeds the maximum bearing capacity of the wheel, the internal pressure of the tire will increase. If the internal pressure exceeds the load of the tire, it is easy to cause a tire explosion;

Maintain reasonable tire pressure

Tire pressure is too high or too low will make the tire tolerance can be reduced, when the tire pressure is too high when the road pothole, sharp objects, it is easy to puncture the tire, causing a burst; When tire pressure is too low, the performance of cord and rubber is reduced, and the tire becomes soft, which can also lead to a flat tire;

Change your tires regularly

There is a wear mark on every tire. When the wear mark is worn, the tire should be replaced in advance. In addition, the side of the tire cracks, damage and bulge should also pay special attention to, once the damage and bulge should be replaced immediately;

Clean tires regularly

On the way, the tire pattern will be mixed with foreign bodies, such as gravel, glass fragments, if not cleaned up in time, these foreign bodies will easily puncture the tire, so we should develop the habit of cleaning the tire regularly;

Tires also have a useful life

The service life of the general tire is 40,000 kilometers or 2 years, often run high-speed vehicles, replacement time and mileage should be appropriate in advance; Some owners do not pay attention to tire maintenance at ordinary times, leading to accelerated tire aging, coupled with a long time of exposure to the sun, so that the service life of the tire is greatly reduced, driving may cause serious tire blowout accidents because of road bumps or pressure to foreign bodies.

Emergency response

1, after the tire burst can not be emergency brake, should be taken to slow down the speed; Because the vehicle at high speed once the tire burst will offset to one side, sudden braking will aggravate the offset resulting in vehicle rollover;

2, slow down at the same time, both hands to grip the steering wheel, to ensure that the vehicle driving in a straight direction;

3. Turn on the double flash as soon as the vehicle stops, and set a triangle warning sign 150 meters behind it on the premise of ensuring safety;

4, the vehicle personnel should quickly evacuate to the guardrail and other safe position and alarm for help.