Emergency handling measures of hazardous chemical tank semi trailer accident

2023/05/09 11:51

Hazardous chemical tank (tank) semi trailer material mainly includes gas and liquid two categories, when the road transport accident, easy to cause leakage or fire explosion.

(1) Emergency measures for gas leakage

1. Investigation and detection: inquire the informant or use the equipment to detect the concentration and range of the leaking gas. Manual detection, unmanned equipment detection or a combination of the two can be used.

2. Disperse and explosion-proof: Exhaust equipment such as smoke exhaust machine and smoke exhaust truck is used to disperse the vapor cloud gathered in low-lying places and trenches to inhibit the formation of explosive mixture.

3. Combination of prevention and control: compared with air density and light proportion of gas, water curtain is set around the leakage point to prevent the expansion of leakage area, and robot, mobile cannon, water cannon and other spray bloom water flow control and protection are used in key parts behind the water curtain; Heavy proportion of gas, in front of the leakage point using robots, mobile guns, water guns and other spray flowering water control protection, in the direction of attack and low-lying places set up a water curtain, blocking the leakage of gas to the safe area diffusion; For some liquid storage transportation and accident into liquid leakage, can be implemented foam cover, slow down the speed of gasification volatilization, for further emergency treatment time.

4. Closing and discharging: If the accident vehicle has the condition of closing the valve and breaking off the material, the fire-fighting personnel can complete the closing of the valve and breaking off the material with the help of technical personnel and the cover of mist water; If the accident vehicle has the plugging conditions, the plugging plan shall be formulated, the appropriate plugging tools shall be selected, and the capable personnel shall be dispatched to complete the plugging operation under the protection of mist water.

5. Inverted tank transfer: If the accident vehicle has the conditions for inverted tank transfer, fire personnel should use robots, mobile cannons, water guns and other spray water, and protection professionals should pour the leakage materials from the accident tank into the receiving and unloading tank through the static pressure high difference method, compressed gas pressure method or explosion-proof transfer equipment.

6. Burn control and exhaust: If the accident vehicle has the conditions of drainage and burn control, send capable force to cover professionals or connect pipes and nozzles under the guidance of professionals, and transfer the leaking gas to the safe area for ignition and burn control. For natural gas and other gases can also be diverted to a safe place, set up a water curtain or be emptied under the protection of the flowering jet.

7. Early warning evacuation: clear the safe evacuation route and assembly point after evacuation, set up on-site safety observers, according to the change of safety risks at the rescue site, timely issue safety warning, after the evacuation to the assembly point, personnel should be counted and reported in time.

(2) Emergency measures for gas leakage and fire

1. According to the situation: according to the actual situation of the accident site, follow the principle of "controlled combustion, prevention of diffusion, safe disposal", select robot, remote control water gun (cannon) and other unmanned equipment, spray flowering water control fire point, keep it burning steadily, reduce the front personnel. The use of barrier water gun, water curtain hose and other equipment to strengthen the protection of adjacent vehicles and facilities, block the fire to prevent the spread of.

2. Cooling and burning control: When the tank of the accident vehicle is damaged and leaking on fire, the fire-fighting detection robot, mobile cannon, water gun and other equipment are used to spray flowering or mist water to evenly cool the fire point part of the tank, reduce the internal pressure of the tank and control the combustion.

3. Isolation protection: Water cannon, water cannon or water curtain can be set between the burning tank car and the key parts threatened by the fire to reduce the threat caused by thermal radiation.

4. Closing valve and cutting off material: If the accident vehicle has the condition of closing valve and cutting off material, it can be closed valve and cutting off material by fire personnel under the guidance and assistance of technical personnel with the cover of mist water.

5. Plugging and removing risks: If the accident vehicle has plugging conditions, make full preparations for the plan, fire fighting, protection, plugging and other groups of personnel detailed division of labor, equipped with appropriate tools and protective equipment, quickly dispatched capable personnel to complete plugging operations under the protection of fog water.

6. Inverted tank transfer: If the accident vehicle has the conditions for inverted tank transfer, it should cooperate with professionals to pour the leaking materials from the accident tank into the receiving and unloading tank by means of static pressure high difference method, compressed gas pressure method or explosion-proof transfer equipment.

7. Early warning evacuation: clear the safe evacuation route and assembly point after evacuation, set up on-site safety observers, according to the change of safety risks at the rescue site, timely issue safety warning, after the evacuation to the assembly point, personnel should be counted and reported in time.

(3) Emergency treatment measures for liquid leakage

1. Detection and detection: The concentration and range of the volatile gas of the leaking substance are detected by the use of instruments and equipment. Manual detection, unmanned equipment detection or a combination of the two can be used.

2. Covering explosion suppression: Fire detection robot, mobile cannon, water cannon and other equipment are used to spray foam to cover and protect the leaking flowing materials on the ground, and to prevent explosion.

3. Dike diversion: by building dikes or digging ditches, the leakage diversion is limited in a safe zone to prevent the scope of harm from expanding.

4. Closing and discharging: If the accident vehicle has the condition of closing the valve and breaking off the material, the fire-fighting personnel can complete the closing of the valve and breaking off the material with the help of technical personnel and the cover of mist water; If the conditions for plugging are available, develop plugging plans, select appropriate plugging tools, and dispatch capable personnel to complete plugging operations under the protection of mist water; For underground drainage, telecommunications, power supply pipelines, ground Wells, etc., can be blocked by means of sand covering, sandbag filling, foam pouring, etc., to prevent the leakage of liquid into.

5. Collection and adsorption: The use of explosion-proof pump, oil felt and other collection and recovery of leakage liquid, handed over to professionals for disposal.

6. Inverted tank transfer: If the accident vehicle has the conditions for inverted tank transfer, it should cooperate with professionals to pour the leaking materials from the accident tank into the receiving and unloading tank through the method of high static pressure difference or the use of explosion-proof transfer equipment.

7. Early warning evacuation: clear the safe evacuation route and assembly point after evacuation, set up on-site safety observers, according to the change of safety risks at the rescue site, timely issue safety warning, after the evacuation to the assembly point, personnel should be counted and reported in time.

8. Anti-virus and decontamination: When handling the leakage of toxic and corrosive materials, on-site personnel should wear appropriate personal protective equipment for the hazards. After the end of the accident, personnel and equipment shall be washed away.

(4) Emergency measures for liquid leakage and fire

1. According to the situation: according to the water situation of the accident site, follow the principle of "control first, then eliminate", select appropriate fire extinguishing equipment, control the fire and put out the fire, build a dike to block the ground flowing fire, and use foam and dry powder to extinguish the fire.

2. Fire extinguishing and cooling: If the tank of the accident vehicle is damaged and the water source is sufficient for fire extinguishing, fire extinguishing detection robot, mobile cannon, water cannon and other equipment should be used to concentrate on fire extinguishing. The ground with flowing fire should first clean up the ground, and then extinguish the pot fire. For flammable liquids soluble in water or partially soluble in water, anti-soluble foam, dry powder and other fire extinguishing agents should be used to fight.

3. Step advance: For multiple tank vehicles on fire or forming large ground flow, the front fighters should wear fire insulation suits, use unmanned equipment or shelters to set up gun (gun) positions, divide several combat groups, alternately protect, from outside to inside, from back to front, step advance fire extinguishing.

4. Closing and discharging: If the accident vehicle has the condition of closing the valve and breaking off the material, the fire-fighting personnel can complete the closing of the valve and breaking off the material with the help of technical personnel and the cover of mist water; If the conditions for plugging are available, the plugging plan should be formulated in advance. After extinguishing the fire, appropriate plugging tools should be used immediately and capable personnel should be dispatched to complete the plugging operation under the protection of fog-like water.

5. Inverted tank transfer: If the accident vehicle has the conditions for inverted tank transfer, it should cooperate with professionals to pour the leaking materials from the accident tank into the receiving and unloading tank through the method of high static pressure difference or the use of explosion-proof transfer equipment.

6. Early warning evacuation: clear the safe evacuation route and assembly point after evacuation, set up on-site safety observers, according to the change of safety risks at the rescue site, timely issue safety warning, after the evacuation to the assembly point, personnel should be counted and reported in time.

7. Anti-virus and decontamination: When handling the leakage of toxic and corrosive materials, on-site personnel should wear appropriate personal protective equipment for the hazards. After the end of the accident, personnel and equipment shall be washed away.

Three, precautions

1. Emergency personnel and vehicles should enter the scene from the windward or lateral windward direction, and keep an appropriate safe distance from the leakage point. The battle position should not be set in a low-lying place.

2. The front personnel involved in emergency response and fire fighting should wear appropriate protective clothing and air protective equipment according to the harmfulness of materials and fire threat, and take good personal protection.

3. In case of emergency, on-site personnel should evacuate from the windward or lateral windward direction.

4. The investigation and inspection team shall have at least two members, and the investigation and inspection work shall cover the whole process of emergency rescue.

5. Personnel at the front should be reduced as far as possible in emergency handling. If possible, unmanned equipment should be used to replace personnel to reduce safety risks.

6. In case of compressed gas or liquefied gas tank truck accidents, it is forbidden to shoot water into safety accessories such as safety valve and tank body, so as to prevent secondary accidents caused by icing failure of safety accessories or rising pressure in tank body.

7. When the emergency personnel cool the burning tank, they should leave no blank spots to prevent the tank from cracking.

8. It is strictly prohibited to put out the open flame before plugging the leak on site.

9. It is forbidden to use direct water to direct toxic and corrosive substances, to prevent damage caused by splashing.

10. The cleansed liquid shall not be discharged arbitrarily, and shall be recovered and treated harmless by professionals.

Four, protection requirements

According to the basic characteristics of transported materials, the accident site after leakage mainly has safety risks of poisoning and explosion.

For the site where toxic substances exist, the toxic area is generally divided into three areas, namely, mild danger zone, moderate danger zone and severe danger zone, according to the damage degree of toxic gases to human body.

For the site with explosive materials, the dangerous area is generally delimited according to the lower explosive limit and divided into three areas, namely, the mild danger area, the moderate danger area and the severe danger area.

When emergency personnel enter toxic or explosive danger areas to carry out emergency rescue and disposal work, they should select and wear necessary protective equipment according to different risks and levels, and take appropriate safety protection.