Definition of fatigue driving of hazardous semi-mounted vehicles

2023/04/22 13:50

"Question asking: I am a dangerous driver. What is the definition of tired driving? I heard that dangerous cargo drivers should not work more than eight hours a day, otherwise they will be considered as tired driving. Is this true?"

Brief answer: According to the current regulations, dangerous goods transport vehicles that fail to stop for more than 4 hours or stop for less than 20 minutes will be considered as tired driving, and the driver will face the penalty of 9 points. At present, there is no regulation that dangerous goods transport vehicles driving more than 8 hours in a day will be penalized.

"Road Traffic Safety Illegal Behavior Score Management Measures" (Ministry of Public Security Order No. 163) Article 9 provisions:

A motor vehicle driver who commits one of the following traffic violations shall be scored 9 points for one time:


(7) driving medium-sized or above passenger vehicles or dangerous goods transport vehicles continuously for more than 4 hours without stopping for a rest or stopping for a rest time of less than 20 minutes.

It should be pointed out that in the revision of Road Traffic Safety Illegal Behavior Score Management Measures (draft for comment) in 2021, there was a clause that "dangerous goods transport vehicles driving for more than 8 hours in 24 hours will lose 9 points". After soliciting opinions from all parties and taking into full consideration the actual situation of the current industry, this clause was not included in the latest Measures for the Management of Scoring Illegal Behaviors of Road Traffic Safety.

It should be pointed out that enterprises should strengthen the transportation safety management, do a good job before the safety inspection and notification; If the driver is not well rested or uncomfortable, the driver should be replaced in time. Never get on the car with illness and drive tired.