The dangers and essential skills of tanker driving in wet weather

2023/03/15 16:49

There are three main dangers in rainy driving of oil tank semi-trailer. One is that rain and mud make the wheel slip, the other is that the exhaust pipe is flooded and flares out, and the third is that rain makes the braking system fail.

1. Braking in rain should be advanced

The braking distance of the tank car on the muddy road can reach 3 times that of the normal road! The brakes don't work in rainy days, slow down and brake early.

2. Don't lower tire pressure

Some people every rainy season, the tire pressure will be reduced, hoping to increase the tire and ground contact area non-slip. This is counterproductive! Increasing the contact area reduces the pressure of the tire unit area on the ground, weakens the force of the water film between the tire and the ground, and makes the tire more prone to skid. Therefore, reducing tire pressure is not anti-skid, but increasing tire pressure is anti-skid.

3, the ground is more likely to slip when it is not soaked

Oil tank tread can effectively remove water film, but can not effectively remove mud film. When it just rained, the dust of the road has not been washed away by the rain. After absorbing the rain, the dust becomes a colloidal mud film, making the tire easier to slip. So be careful when it just rains and the road is not wet.

4. Stop when your vision is blurred

Tanker driving in heavy rain vision is Z big hidden trouble! In a rainstorm, even if the wipers swing at high speed, they can't get the rain off the glass, so you can't see straight ahead. At this point, you can quickly pull over to the side of the road and wait, and turn on the double flashing lights.

5. Don't get out of the car when thunder strikes

Even if lightning strikes a car, the electric current will pass through the surface of the car to the ground, making the car safer. But make sure the Windows are all closed and the radio antenna is put away.

6, over the water section

When the tanker passes the waterlogged section, observe the driving conditions of other vehicles and make sure to avoid obstacles such as deep pits and dark Wells. When the water flooded the exhaust pipe, the exhaust pipe should be prevented from flooding. To this end, it is necessary to hang the low speed gear before entering the water, and steady the big throttle uniform speed straight past. In order to prevent water from the exhaust pipe, oil cannot be collected after water entry; In order to prevent the driving wheel from losing traction, do not change gear midway; In order to reduce the resistance, keep a uniform speed in a straight line. If the oil intake exhaust pipe water to suppress the fire, or even cylinder water, must not be ignited, can only rely on rescue. After the car passes through the waterlogged section or in the rainstorm, the brake friction plate water can make the brake failure. Can be used at low speed in the accelerator and foot brake at the same time, so that the brake pad heat out of water.

7. Walk through mud

When the tanker is passing through the mud, it is not slippery and it is not sinking, so it must follow the ruts of the car in front. Before entering the muddy area, first change the low gear, not in the middle of the shift, to one breath uniform speed straight out. The car would lose power and stop, making it difficult to start again.

If you get stuck in the mud, don't step on the gas. Driving the wheels will only make the car sink deeper. If there is no other wheel cushion, the gas of the tire can be put into the flat, so that the tire is soft and deformed, and the friction force of grasping the ground can be increased. After the engine starts, hang 2 gears, half clutch, refuel, start slowly, most can pass smoothly.

If only one side of the tire skid, light handbrake to increase the accelerator. The handbrake stops the idling wheel, and the other wheel increases its power, making it possible to steer out of the mud with ease.