Daily maintenance and maintenance of the chassis of the semi-trailer

2023/08/11 16:55

In the routine maintenance and maintenance of semi-trailers, we have removed some parts that need to be replaced regularly, and some parts must be checked regularly, such as trailer brake discs, brake pads, trailer brake pipelines, and steering rod balls. Heads, shock absorbers, etc., and some rubber parts, such as trailer tires, ball cage dust cover, upper and lower arm rubber sleeves, and balance bar rubber sleeves. Failure of these parts due to wear or aging will affect the running of the vehicle It will cause safety hazards, so we need to check the chassis components very carefully while doing maintenance.

It should be noted that when most parts of the chassis are damaged, it will cause abnormal noises when the vehicle is driving or bumps. It is recommended that our driver friends should find out the location and cause as soon as possible if they hear these abnormal noises. Then repair it according to the situation, so as to ensure driving safety as much as possible.