Is the chassis height of the low-bed semi-trailer adjustable?

2023/08/25 17:45

The adjustment of the chassis height of the low-bed semi-trailer refers to whether the vertical distance between the chassis of the vehicle and the ground can be adjusted. In traditional low-bed semi-trailers, the chassis height is usually fixed and cannot be adjusted. But in some new low-bed semi-trailers, the height of the chassis is adjustable and can be adjusted as needed. The following Xuzhou Xiangchi Transportation Equipment Co., Ltd. will introduce in detail the adjustability of the chassis height of the low-bed semi-trailer and related advantages and disadvantages.

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First, let's understand the structure of a low-bed semi-trailer. The low-bed semi-trailer is a special truck with a flat bottom and no side panels or roofs, which is convenient for loading and unloading goods whose length, width, and height exceed the standard size. It usually consists of three parts: the front, the compartment and the chassis. The front is used for suspension and driving, the carriage is used for loading goods, and the chassis plays the role of connecting the front and the carriage, and is responsible for carrying and transmitting weight.

The chassis height of a traditional low-bed semi-trailer is fixed, which is mainly determined by the size of the wheels and the design of the suspension system. The new low-bed semi-trailer introduces an adjustable chassis height design, which can be adjusted by changing the position and structure of the wheel suspension system and adjusting the position of the axle. This adjustable chassis height design can flexibly adjust the height of the vehicle according to different roads and loading requirements, improving the adaptability and passability of the vehicle.

The low-bed semi-trailer with adjustable chassis height has the following advantages:

First of all, the adjustable chassis height can improve the passability of the low-bed semi-trailer. Under different road conditions, especially on uneven terrain or roads with obstacles, adjusting the height of the chassis can make the vehicle pass without being hindered by the contact between the chassis and the ground. This can effectively reduce the risk of damage to the vehicle and improve passability. For example, when encountering some uneven or uneven roads, the height of the chassis can be adjusted higher so that the vehicle can pass more smoothly.

Secondly, the adjustable chassis height can adapt to different loading requirements. During loading on a low-bed semi-trailer, the height and weight of the cargo may vary. By adjusting the height of the chassis, the gap between the floor and the bottom of the cargo can be minimized, ensuring that the cargo is firmly fixed on the vehicle and reducing the risk of the cargo shaking and shaking. At the same time, when loading cargo that is too high or too heavy, adjusting the height of the chassis can also balance the center of gravity of the vehicle and improve driving stability.

In addition, the adjustable chassis height can also improve the safety of the low-bed semi-trailer. If the chassis height is too low, it will increase the risk of friction between the vehicle and the ground, especially when passing through slopes or undulating roads, it is easier to rub against the chassis, which may cause the chassis to be damaged or unable to drive normally. The adjustable chassis height can reasonably set the ground clearance of the vehicle according to the specific situation, reduce the risk of chassis damage and improve the safety of the vehicle.

However, the low-bed semi-trailer with adjustable chassis height also has some limitations and disadvantages:

First of all, the design of the adjustable chassis height is relatively complicated, involving the adjustment of the wheel suspension system and the axle. This increases the manufacturing and maintenance costs of the vehicle, and puts forward higher requirements for the vehicle manufacturer and maintenance unit. At the same time, adjusting the height of the chassis also requires professional knowledge and technical support, which puts forward higher requirements for the driver and operator of the vehicle.

Secondly, the design of adjustable chassis height may increase the weight of the vehicle. In order to adjust the height of the chassis, it may be necessary to add more mechanical devices and adjustment components, which will increase the weight of the vehicle. The increase in vehicle weight will directly affect the vehicle's transportation capacity and fuel efficiency, reducing the vehicle's economy and transportation efficiency.

In addition, the design of adjustable chassis height may have a certain impact on the stability of the vehicle. The adjustment of the chassis height will change the position of the center of gravity of the vehicle, which in turn will affect the handling and driving stability of the vehicle. Especially when driving at high speed or changing lanes in an emergency, the adjustment of the chassis height may affect the vehicle's roll and grip, increasing the risk of vehicle rollover.

To sum up, the adjustability of the chassis height of the low-bed semi-trailer can be adjusted according to specific conditions to achieve better passability, adaptability and safety. Although this design will add a certain cost and complexity, and have a certain impact on the weight and stability of the vehicle, the design of adjustable chassis height is still a valuable tool when meeting specific needs and special situations. technological innovation.