Causes of serious wear of ordinary semi-trailer tires

2023/01/14 16:45

1. Early wear of the central part of the tire.

The main reason: the tire aeration is too large, which not only affects the shock absorption performance of the tire, but also makes the deformation of the tire too large.

2. Excessive wear on both sides of the tire.

The main reason: insufficient tire aeration or long-term overload driving, so that the tire and the ground contact surface is large, causing both sides of the tire and the ground contact and formation of early wear.

3. Excessive wear on one side of the tire.

Main reason: due to the wheel camber Angle is not caused.

4, the tire tread appears jagged wear.

The main reasons: improper positioning adjustment of the front wheel or front suspension system position disorder, loose ball head, etc., so that the normal rolling wheel support frame sliding or driving wheel positioning is constantly changing, resulting in jagged tire wear.

5, individual tire wear is too large.

Main reason: is due to individual wheel suspension system disorder, support frame bending or individual wheel imbalance.

6, the tire appears bald wear.

The main reason: the individual parts of the tire appear alopecia serious wear, is the poor balance of the tire, when the unbalanced wheel rotates at high speed, the individual parts of the force is very large, the wear is accelerated correspondingly, with the steering tremble, so that the handling is worse.

There is a close relationship between driving technique and tire wear. The correct operation of the driver plays a key role in the service life of the tire. Such as starting too fast, often emergency braking or do not pay attention to the choice of road surface and other improper driving operation will cause tire damage, so we should develop good driving habits, tire wear speed and road conditions are directly related, so we should try to improve road conditions, reduce the impact of road conditions on tire wear, at the same time pay attention to do a good job on the storage mine ground cleaning, Avoid or reduce stone damage to the tire.

Tire overload work will increase the bending deformation on both sides of the tire wall, tire fatigue, wear, and even cause tire blasting, overload will greatly shorten the life of the tire, should learn to use the tire correctly.

Tires are ground rolling circular elastic rubber products assembled on a variety of vehicles or machinery. Usually installed on the metal rim, can support the body, buffer external impact, achieve contact with the road and ensure the vehicle's driving performance. Tire is often used in complex and harsh conditions, it is driving under a variety of deformation, load, force and high and low temperature, so it must have a high bearing performance, traction performance, buffer performance. At the same time, it also requires high wear resistance and flexural resistance, as well as low rolling resistance and heat generation. Half of the world's rubber consumption is used in tire production, which shows the ability of tires to consume rubber.