Causes of cracking of semi-trailer brake drums

2023/09/13 17:42

Friends who have driven a semi-trailer know that the service life of the brake drum is always much shorter than the expected service life, especially at high speeds. Once the brake drum is broken, it is very easy to cause a safety accident. Today, semi-trailer manufacturers have summarized the following aspects based on past work experience.

1. The car is overloaded. The service life of the brake drum refers to the service life within the normal cargo capacity. However, if the current market situation of semi-trailers is not overloaded, I would be embarrassed to say that I am a semi-trailer driver. Overloading will increase the braking force and increase the damage of the brake drum. At the same time, long-term braking and rising temperatures will reduce the braking effect. Many drivers will modify water seepage equipment or assemble "brake drums" to improve the braking effect. Both of these will accelerate the cracking of the brake drum.

2. Product quality issues. Some semi-trailer drivers use fake and shoddy products in order to save money. This kind of brake drum is usually shoddy, and even the raw materials are substandard. It cannot withstand the continuous braking of large trucks and may break.

3. Reduce the temperature of tap water when the temperature is too high. Many semi-trailer drivers habitually enter the cooling pool to cool down when the brake drum temperature is very high. In fact, this is also wrong. From a physical point of view, it is easier to cause the brake drum to crack. The appropriate approach is to use the brake water-facing equipment to keep the water sprayed to minimize the brake drum temperature from being too high. If the temperature is too high, it is recommended to use natural cooling.

The above three points are the common reasons for brake drum cracks. Knowing the reasons is very easy to find corresponding solutions. Mingbo has come up with the following suggestions, which we hope to take:

1. There is no need to overload. Overloading is already a violation of discipline and can easily cause road traffic accidents.

2. Brake drum maintenance. Generally speaking, the brake drum of a tablet semi-trailer needs maintenance or even replacement after 1W kilometers. It depends on the situation. An experienced driver will judge whether the brake drum needs to be replaced based on the reaction when braking. , if you are a novice driver, it is recommended that maintenance inspections be carried out every 5,000km.

3. When replacing the brake drum, you must go to a reliable manufacturer and use original products. Do not be greedy for cheap and use substandard products, which will harm others and yourself.

It is often seen from news reports that semi-trailers cause accidents due to brake problems on the trailer. Most of them are caused by the above reasons. We hope that many drivers will maintain them on time, especially the brake system, and do not overload it. I start with small details. Prevent tragedy from happening.