Cause and treatment of semi trailer oil leakage

2023/01/12 15:20

If the semi trailer does not pay attention to maintenance, there will be a lot of headaches, such as trailer oil leakage. Due to oil leakage and the reduction of lubricating oil inside the machine, poor lubrication and insufficient cooling of the machine parts will cause early damage of the machine parts, and even leave accident risks.

Measures to prevent oil leakage from vehicles

1. Pay attention to the role of padding. The gasket between the parts of the vehicle resting part (such as the joint end face, the end cover, the shell, the cover pad, the flat enamel cover plate, etc.) plays the role of leak-proof sealing. If the material, production quality and installation do not meet the technical specifications, it will not play a sealing and leak-proof role, or even an accident. Such as oil pan or valve cover, due to the large contact area and not easy to compact, resulting in oil leakage.

2. All kinds of fastening nuts on the car should be tightened according to the specified torque. Too loose pressure is not tight gasket leakage; Too tight will cause the metal around the screw hole to protrude or the screw buckle to slip and cause oil leakage. In addition, if the oil pan drain plug is not tightened or loosened, it is easy to cause oil loss, and then the machine damage accident of "burning tile and holding shaft" occurs.

3. Replace the failed oil seal in time. Many moving parts on the car (such as oil seal and O-ring) will be improperly installed, the journal and the edge of the oil seal will be different, and the oil will be swayed. Some oil seals will lose elasticity due to aging of rubber if used for too long. Leakage should be updated in time.

4. Avoid blocking of check valve and air vent valve. This causes the temperature in the case to rise, the oil and gas fill the whole space, do not discharge out, so that the pressure in the case increases, the consumption of lubricating oil increases and the replacement cycle is shortened. The blockage of engine ventilation system increases the movement resistance of piston and increases fuel consumption. Because of the pressure difference between the inside and outside of the case, it often causes oil leakage in the weak sealing place. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out regular inspection, dredging and cleaning of vehicles.

5. Properly solve all kinds of tubing joint sealing. Car coupling nut is often disassembled, easy to slip wire break and loose, will cause oil seepage. Replace the union nut and solve its conical seal by grinding, so that the nut is pressed tightly to solve the seal.

6. Avoid hub oil ejection. Hub bearing and cavity grease is too much, or its oil seal assembly is improper, poor quality and aging failure; High hub temperature caused by frequent braking; Axle nut loosening will cause hub oil. Therefore, to use the "cavity lubrication method (that is, appropriate lubrication)", dredge the vent hole.

Common vehicle oil leakage is the main cause

1. Product (accessories) quality, material or technology is not good; There are problems with the structural design.

2. Improper assembly speed, with the surface is not clean, gasket damage, displacement or not in accordance with the operation specifications of the installation.

3. Fastening nut uneven screw force, sliding wire break or loose fall off, leading to failure.

4. Sealing materials wear too much after long-term use, aging metamorphism, deformation failure.

5. The lubricating oil is added too much, the oil level is too high or the wrong oil is added.

6. Parts (side cover, thin wall parts) joint surface deflection deformation, shell damage, so that lubricating oil leakage.

7. After the ventilation plug and check valve are blocked, the oil leakage in the weak sealing area is often caused by the pressure difference between the inside and outside the case.