Cang grid transport semi-trailer travel safety in thunderstorm weather

2023/08/15 17:34

Cangzha transport semi-trailer is a kind of semi-trailer for transporting goods. It is not surprising that there is a sudden thunderstorm on the road, so do you know what should be paid attention to when traveling in thunderstorm weather?

When the warehouse transport semi-trailer encounters a thunderstorm while driving, it is necessary to turn on the flashing lights and wipers in time to control the speed of the vehicle. While the flashing lights remind other vehicles, it is necessary to observe the position of other vehicles at all times and be careful to avoid them.

When the warehouse transport semi-trailer encounters a thunderstorm while driving, you need to pay attention to the water accumulation on the road surface. When driving through a place with deep water accumulation, you need to slow down the speed of the vehicle, otherwise the water carried by the tires will spill on other vehicles and even pedestrians .

The warehouse transport semi-trailer needs to keep abreast of the road conditions when driving. Some road sections will become less strong after being washed by rain, and they will easily sink into the road when passing by. Try to drive in the middle of the road.

The above is the content related to the safety of the Cangzha transport semi-trailer in thunderstorm weather. I hope everyone can notice that you must slow down when driving in rainy days, otherwise traffic accidents will easily occur.