Good fuel saving effect, not only depends on the good technical condition of the vehicle, more importantly, is determined by how to drive. Science, skills, skilled mastery of driving skills, you can reduce fuel consumption about 30%. Practicing good driving habits, such as avoiding long idles,
2023/03/25 15:16
Carbon steel, stainless steel tank semi trailer advantages:1. The design, inspection and manufacture of vehicles are strictly in accordance with GB1589-2016 "Road vehicle corridor size, axle load and quality limits", GB 7258-2017 "Technical Conditions for Motor Vehicle Operation Safety", GB 18564.1
2023/03/24 09:50
Introduction to the common semi trailerA semi-trailer is a trailer with an axle positioned behind the center of gravity of the vehicle (when the vehicle is evenly loaded) and equipped with coupling devices that transfer horizontal and vertical forces to the tractor. Semi-trailer is generally a
2023/03/23 11:11
Warehouse grid transport semi-trailerThe loading part of the warehouse grid semi-trailer is a semi-trailer designed with a fence structure. Mainly used for agricultural and sideline products and other light bubble goods transport.1, model and fence structure design process combined with the user's
2023/03/23 11:06
Fence Cargo transport semi-trailerThe loading part of the warehouse grid semi-trailer is a semi-trailer designed with a fence structure. Mainly used for agricultural and sideline products and other light bubble goods transport.1, model and fence structure design process combined with the user's
2023/03/16 13:06
There are three main dangers in rainy driving of oil tank semi-trailer. One is that rain and mud make the wheel slip, the other is that the exhaust pipe is flooded and flares out, and the third is that rain makes the braking system fail.1. Braking in rain should be advancedThe braking distance of
2023/03/15 16:49
No matter where the oil tank semi trailer is parked, it is necessary to leave space as far as possible, not to affect the passage of other vehicles, but also to reduce the chance of the vehicle being scratched to a large extent. The tanker suggested that, when parked in a narrow alley,Z would be
2023/03/14 15:53
Many consumers who buy oil tanks for the first time are confused about car maintenance. They are not clear about how to maintain cars for the first time and what parts need to be protected. To this end, the tank car manufacturers to introduce some of the new car need to focus on the maintenance of
2023/03/13 15:52
Oil tank semi-trailer wheel every day and rough road depth "kiss", wear is inevitable, but you can not therefore take the tire wear lightly, because sometimes can be found from the tire wear degree of the car hidden fault, generally speaking, if the car has no problem, tire wear should be uniform,
2023/03/10 15:59
When the oil tank semi-trailer is driving on the way, the inner tube breaks and leaks, the inner tube can be repaired by itself. The methods are as follows:1. With the current car fire repair hot repair, with a wood file (or sandpaper, hacksaw bar) leakage indicates that the file rough (file rough
2023/03/08 15:51
Oil tank semi-trailer refers to the special vehicle for loading gasoline, diesel, kerosene, lubricating oil and other liquid oil, it is the most used in liquid tank truck vehicles. According to its function, it is divided into two kinds: oil truck and fuel truck. Oil truck is used for transporting
2023/03/06 14:08
There are 4 ways to clean the oil tank semi trailer, namely dry cleaning, wet washing, steam washing and chemical washing.1. Safety requirements and procedures for dry cleaning1. Remove the oil stored in the tank;2. Ventilate and remove the oil and gas in the tank, and measure the oil and gas
2023/03/03 15:14