Cangzha transportation semi-trailer is a semi-trailer Giti tool that we often see in our daily life. It is also a necessary transportation vehicle in express companies and shipping stations. So do you know what the structural characteristics of the Cangzha transport semi-trailer are? Today I will
2023/09/26 16:51
Everyone knows that when buying a new semi-trailer, there must be a running-in period in the early stage. After a certain running-in period, the vehicle will be able to drive freely on the road and have an in-depth understanding of the semi-trailer. During the running-in period, You also need to
2023/09/25 16:58
The trailer girder is the main component of the trailer. There are many longitudinal sub-beams around the girder. The girder and sub-beams form the entire cargo shipping platform of the trailer. In addition: if the trailer beams are manufactured and selected improperly, broken beams and other road
2023/09/23 17:08
In engineering construction and ore mining and transportation, dump trucks have always played an important role, and they are generally heavy-duty, with poor working conditions and huge losses. Therefore, we need to do certain maintenance work, so the rear-turn self-dump truck How should I maintain
2023/09/22 16:57
What are the differences between semi-trailers and full trailers? This is something that many friends are concerned about. Next, the low-bed semi-trailer manufacturer will introduce it to you.In fact, the interface method between the full trailer and the semi-trailer is different from the interface
2023/09/21 17:59
When maintaining low-bed semi-trailers in summer, you must first pay attention to the anti-slip issues when driving in rainy seasons. In addition to the driver's good driving habits and methods, brake pedal and tire maintenance are also important for driving.Introduction to the maintenance of low-
2023/09/21 17:57
As the weather gets colder, many semi-trailers have problems with cold starts, idling shivering after a cold start, poor acceleration after a cold start, etc. Until the temperature of the water in the vehicle rises, all the above signs of failure disappear. This is What's the reason? It's just that
2023/09/20 17:41
The semi-trailer bed has its own brackets. First, semi-trailer manufacturers use brackets to support the vehicle. There are support rods at the joint between the carriage and the main vehicle. By pulling out the lever, riders steering the semitrailer can exit the box while driving forward.The fixed
2023/09/15 17:34
Many new semi-trailer drivers are very concerned about the common problems of low-bed semi-trailers. Today I have compiled two common problems of low-bed semi-trailers for you. I hope it can help you.A brief discussion on how to prevent semi-trailer tire wear?1. During the driving process of a low-
2023/09/15 17:32
The warehouse-type semi-trailer has a light weight: it adopts a W-shaped through-beam structure and carries out multiple local weight reductions while ensuring the structural strength. The weight is light. The conventional configuration of the 13-meter three-axle warehouse-type semi-trailer is only
2023/09/14 17:34
How should semi-trailer engines be maintained and maintained?Whether it is an aluminum semi-trailer or a barn-type semi-trailer, the engine plays a dominant role in the parts position of any large and medium-sized truck and semi-trailer. So how do ordinary drivers maintain and maintain the semi-
2023/09/14 17:32
Friends who have driven a semi-trailer know that the service life of the brake drum is always much shorter than the expected service life, especially at high speeds. Once the brake drum is broken, it is very easy to cause a safety accident. Today, semi-trailer manufacturers have summarized the
2023/09/13 17:42