Tank semi-trailerTank semi-trailer A semi-trailer with a tank structure as the loading part. It is mainly used to transport liquid, bulk materials and bulk cement.1. The tank truck series is divided into oil tank truck, concrete mixer truck, powder material and bulk cement truck, water supply truck
2022/12/28 15:45
Semi trailer for powder material transportationPowder material semi-trailer is a special vehicle for the transportation of large quantities of dust materials (bulk cement). It is generally applicable to areas where the weight charge is strictly implemented according to national regulations, and the
2022/12/27 15:26
Heavy low platform semi-trailerThe heavy low plate semi-trailer is used to load the trailer with super large and overweight cargo. The basic form of heavy trailer is single flat trailer. It generally has the following structure. The frame and axle axles are mostly collinear, that is, there are two
2022/12/26 16:15
Gooseneck semi-trailerThe gooseneck semi-trailer is also widely used to carry goods, and is suitable for the transportation of various kinds of mechanical equipment, large objects, highway construction equipment, large tanks, power station equipment and various steels.The series semi-trailer has
2022/12/23 14:00
First, tire inspectionCheck the tire pressure at room temperature every month. If it is lower than the normal standard, supplement the tire pressure in time. The air pressure must not be too high or too low, otherwise the driving safety will be affected. Check the tire for cracks, and replace the
2022/12/22 14:53
When turning, pay attention to whether there are pedestrians in the blind area, especially those riding battery cars, who suddenly appear silently. Be sure to check the tires before traveling.When reversing, the direction is opposite. Turn slowly and slowly. The range should not be too large. Watch
2022/12/20 16:12
1. Check the outside of the semi-trailer. If there are obvious scratches, the interior should be painted in time. Because the function of paint is not only beautiful, its more important function is to prevent rust.Second, check the semi-trailer oil. Before the cold snap comes, you should pay
2022/12/17 16:00
Precautions for semi-trailer maintenance during changing seasons Engine oil is particularly important. Most of our car owners maintain their semi-trailers according to the number of miles they travel. Today, the editor may overturn our traditional cognition. The replacement of hot and cold
2022/12/16 14:28
A semi-trailer is a long-distance transport vehicle that can load more goods during transport. If the semi-trailer emits black smoke during transportation, it needs to be solved in time.It is correct that there is black smoke when driving a semi-trailer for transporting grate, but if there is often
2022/12/15 15:29
As a member of the dangerous goods transport vehicle, how much do you know about its maintenance? No matter what kind of car needs maintenance, there are also misunderstandings in maintenance. Do you know the maintenance misunderstandings of tank trucks?Tank truck maintenance(1) First of all, it is
2022/12/13 16:26
How to identify the quality of the skeleton transport semi-trailer? When we order a skeleton semi-trailer, it is very important to check the quality of the semi-trailer correctly. From what aspects should we identify?1. First, check from the beam of the skeleton semi-trailer.We need to check
2022/12/12 14:52
1. When is maintenance?   1. Refer to the maintenance cycle recommended by the tank truck manufacturer, pay more attention, and make appropriate adjustments to the maintenance cycle in combination with the technical status of the tank truck itself and the actual use conditions.   2. Pay more
2022/11/30 11:33