Liquid tank semi-trailer is a vehicle for transporting oil materials. The tank body is generally made of carbon steel plate, and can also be made of glass steel, stainless steel, plastic and other materials.Maintenance knowledge: Some people think that oil semi trailer maintenance is to change the
2023/02/10 15:20
One, Z basically when the body is straightened, you can see the rear.Ii. When the semi-trailer is turning:Semi trailer always has one side of the rearview mirror can not see the rear of the car when turning, this is normal when reversing Z can find a conductor to help direct.Look at the direction
2023/02/09 14:14
First, what time maintenance?1, should refer to the maintenance cycle recommended by the tank car manufacturer, pay more attention to, combined with the tank car's own technical conditions and actual conditions of use, to make appropriate adjustments to the maintenance cycle.2. Pay more attention
2023/02/08 15:55
First, relative to the liquid tank semi-trailer, the owner needs to pay attention to the following:1. Car parts: Take good care of the engine and fix it immediately if there is a problem. Use an oil with low viscosity Z. Check your steering wheel and tires for alignment regularly. Don't arbitrarily
2023/02/06 16:28
1. Semi-trailer and adjacent vehicle side-by-side: Confirm that it is about 1 meter away from the adjacent vehicle, confirm that the rear is safe and then reverse in a straight line. When the rear bumper of the vehicle is side-by-side, stop the regression.2. Turn the steering wheel right and
2023/02/03 14:41
The tank car is also a kind of mobile refueling car. Now the tank car is generally controlled by computer. The types of various tank cars are based on their use and environment. It's easier to refuel or transport oil. Some of the special barrels of the tank car, the tank body force extractor and
2023/02/02 15:34
The role of oil in the semi-trailer. Oil is an indispensable oil in the engine, which plays an important role in the service performance of the engine. Ordinary semi-trailer manufacturers summarize the information about the role of oil in semi-trailers.The engine is the heart of the car. There are
2023/02/01 15:43
Vehicle overload brings very serious harm to safe driving and transportation. It not only endangers its own life safety, but also induces a large number of road traffic accidents and brings huge losses to people's personal and property safety. Most road traffic accidents are caused by overloaded
2023/01/31 17:06
We should need reasonable loading and unloading tools when loading and unloading, so that we can reduce the amount of labor, reduce the damage of goods, is conducive to better protection of our goods.Reasonable weighing should be carried out during loading and unloading, and reasonable estimation
2023/01/30 15:18
First, tank car accident liquid leakage how to deal with1. Call the fire alarm immediately.2. Extinguish the fire with the fire extinguisher or dry sand. Never use water to extinguish the fire, because oil is much lighter than water, and the fire will move on the surface of the water, spreading the
2023/01/29 16:52
Powder material transport truck cement mixing truck emergency rescue method one:When it was determined that there was something wrong with the hydraulic motor. The following two methods can also be used for processing:1. If there are spare parts for the hydraulic motor on hand, the hydraulic motor
2023/01/18 14:44
Shandong Shengrun powder material transport truck is mainly composed of chassis and top parts, simple can be divided into chassis system, transmission system, tank, piping system, accessories and so on five major components. The working principle of the powder material transport truck is to use the
2023/01/17 16:53