High temperature in summer

2022/02/11 14:44

High temperature in summer | Precautions and safety measures for storage and transportation of hazardous chemicals!


Summer is the season with the highest temperature of the year, and the ground temperature can be as high as 40°C. Hot climate conditions pose a great threat to the safe storage of hazardous chemicals. Hazardous chemical accidents also occur in hot summer.


one Increased temperature increases the volume and pressure of hazardous chemicals

Thermal expansion and contraction are a common physical phenomenon. Flammable liquids are stored in airtight containers. After being heated, the volume is easy to expand. At the same time, the vapor pressure increases, which increases the internal pressure of the container. If the pressure exceeds the pressure that the container can withstand, it will cause the container to fail or even burst. In the high temperature season, the "drum barrel" phenomenon of iron drums containing flammable liquids and the bursting of glass containers are caused by thermal expansion.


two The increase in temperature increases the rate of evaporation of the liquid

The evaporation rate of flammable liquids is not only related to the characteristics of the liquid itself, but also easily affected by the surrounding environment, in which the temperature has the greatest influence on it. The higher the temperature, the faster the flammable liquid evaporates, the greater the concentration of vapor on the liquid surface, the greater the possibility of forming an explosive gas mixture with air, and the greater the risk of fire and explosion.


three Increased temperature accelerates oxidative decomposition and spontaneous combustion

Due to the influence of environmental factors such as temperature and humidity, many dangerous chemicals are easily decomposed after being heated, releasing oxygen and even oxygen atoms, oxidizing other substances, and releasing a lot of heat at the same time. If the ventilation is poor, the oxidation rate will be accelerated after the temperature rises, and more heat will be generated. When the temperature reaches the self-ignition point of the material, it will spontaneously ignite and ignite.

The key to preventing hazardous chemical accidents in summer is to prevent heat and cool down.


specific measure

1. Have a qualified hazardous chemical warehouse The special warehouse for hazardous chemicals shall meet the requirements of national standards and industry standards. Non-thermal refractory materials are used as the roof and wall insulation layer, windows can be opened for ventilation in the morning and evening or at night, and explosion-proof air conditioners can be installed to cool down. Flammable liquids in barrels should be placed indoors and are strictly prohibited from being exposed to the sun.

The storage tank should be equipped with spray facilities, and the spray facility should be turned on to cool down when the temperature reaches above 30 °C; the storage tank should not be too full, and at least 10% of the volume space should be reserved.

2. Classified storage of hazardous chemicals Hazardous chemicals should be classified, stored in separate warehouses, and stored in separate parts. It is strictly forbidden to mix and store items with conflicting properties, different fire fighting methods, and easy spontaneous combustion. When storing items, the stacking should not be too high or too large. The specified distance should be maintained between stacks, between stacks and walls, columns and beams, and fire escapes should be reserved. Excessive storage is strictly prohibited.

Hazardous chemicals should be classified, stored in separate warehouses, and stored in separate parts. It is strictly forbidden to mix and store items with conflicting properties, different fire fighting methods, and easy spontaneous combustion. When storing items, the stacking should not be too high or too large. The specified distance should be maintained between stacks, between stacks and walls, columns and beams, and fire escapes should be reserved. Excessive storage is strictly prohibited.


3. There should be lightning protection and anti-static facilities Hazardous chemical warehouses and storage tanks are generally located at the edge of the unit, keeping a certain distance from other surrounding buildings, forming an open area around them, which is easy to be struck by lightning. Therefore, warehouses and tank farms must install lightning and anti-static devices and conduct regular inspections to prevent accidents caused by lightning strikes and static electricity.


4. Strengthen on-site management Managers of hazardous chemical warehouses must undergo special safety training, pass the examination, and hold certificates. Warehouse management personnel should conduct regular inspections of the warehouse in accordance with the operating procedures, and report problems in a timely manner to ensure safety.

In the process of logistics transportation of dangerous goods, completing the transportation task is a highly technical and professional work. A little carelessness in the transportation process may cause losses to life, property and the environment. Large-scale freight vehicles are used in the process of dangerous goods logistics transportation, which imposes very strict requirements on drivers and logistics companies. Therefore, for the logistics and transportation of dangerous goods, safety always comes first.

1. Choose the right driving route and the driving time is appropriate For the logistics transportation of dangerous goods, choose the main trunk line of the national highway with smooth roads, and cannot take complicated road sections for the sake of short distances. Drive away from towns and residential areas. If you have to pass through, check again to confirm that there is no leakage before crossing the border. It is not allowed to park for meals or rest on city streets or in densely populated areas. It is recommended to rest during the day and drive at night to avoid the peak period of vehicles and people. In case of leakage and personal strength cannot be recovered, drive the car to an open area quickly, away from crowds and water sources. In the event of a traffic accident, the scope of isolation should be expanded and the relevant departments should be reported to the police immediately. 


2. Frequent inspection on the way

The hidden dangers of accidents in the logistics and transportation of dangerous goods mainly start from leakage. Due to the bumps and vibrations of the vehicle during driving, it is often easy to cause damage to the packaging. Therefore, you should be diligent in checking during driving. After driving for two hours, check whether there is any overflow on the barrel cover, and tighten it with a special wrench. If the sealing ring fails, it should be replaced; whether the filling between the iron barrels has fallen, whether there is leakage of liquid around the bottom of the car box, and whether the tied rope is not loose etc. In the high temperature season, the liquid will expand. When replacing the sealing ring, pay attention to slowly opening it, and then open it completely after the gas is released, so as to avoid the liquid spraying out of the cover too quickly and hurting people.


3. Drive carefully and drive smoothly

Drive in compliance with traffic, laws and regulations. "Comity three first", under the right circumstances, actively avoid all kinds of vehicles, should control the speed, maintain a safe distance from the vehicle in front, and strictly prohibit illegal overtaking. Do not drive fatigued, do not drive hero cars, prank cars, and overlord cars, so that the vehicle can be driven smoothly and at a moderate speed. When driving, use the emergency brake as little as possible to maintain the stability of the cargo and ensure driving safety.

Fourth, pay attention to details when loading goods The loading of goods should be supervised at the scene, and check in detail whether the name, specification and quantity of the goods are consistent with the consignment documents. It should be carried out according to the basic requirements of neat stacking, close fit, flat and firm, even and balanced, and easy to count. All kinds of dangerous chemicals cannot be mixed, so that one car has one product. If it must be mixed, please refer to the "Rules for the Transport of Dangerous Goods by Motor Vehicles" (JT617-2004).

When carrying flammable and explosive materials, the vehicle exhaust pipe should be equipped with heat insulation and spark extinguishing devices, and equipped with static-conducting rubber drag belt devices that meet the requirements of JT230. The gaps between the barrels of the barrels of dangerous goods should be filled with woven bags. When the container is filled with liquid, an expansion allowance of not less than 5% of the total capacity should be reserved. When loading toxic and hazardous goods, stand on the windward. It is also important to note that any chemical products loaded must be covered with a rain cloth to prevent cigarette butts from flying off when the vehicles meet.


4. The safety status and safety performance of the vehicle are qualified

Vehicles are the carriers of dangerous goods logistics transportation. Whether the safety technology of vehicles is good or not will directly affect the safety of dangerous goods logistics transportation. Before leaving the vehicle, the safety and technical conditions of the vehicle must be carefully checked, and the vehicle can be put into operation only after the fault has been eliminated. Pay special attention to check the safety performance of the container, check whether the safety devices such as liquid level gauge, pressure gauge, valve, temperature gauge, emergency shut-off valve, static electricity guiding device are safe and reliable one by one, and prevent running, running, dripping and leaking. Not good for shipping. To keep the cab clean, no ignition tools are allowed, and the lights and signs of dangerous goods must be in good condition. 


5. Equipped with drivers and escorts with qualifications for transporting dangerous goods

Human safety awareness is particularly important. Therefore, drivers and escorts must undergo special training and obtain a driving license and escort license for road dangerous goods logistics transportation before they can work. Dangerous goods drivers are not the same as other vehicle drivers. In addition to mastering certain driving skills, they must also learn to master certain chemical knowledge, and be familiar with the physical and chemical properties, dangerous characteristics, and precautions of the goods they carry, such as the specific gravity of the goods, Flash point, toxicity, expansion coefficient, etc., become a half "expert".


Sunrise Auto reminds card friends to bring all documents such as driver's license, road dangerous goods transport driver's license and escort license, driving license, road transport license, tank inspection certificate and other documents when going out for inspection.


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